1. Everyday Parents CAN Raise Extraordinary Kids Course
An 8 session video course for your family or church to help parents understand how to train the conscience to have children who are internally motivated to do what’s right, deal with wrongs better, be honest, and care about others. This powerful course will change your parenting and give kids life skills they will use for the rest of their lives.
2. Motivate Your Child Book
Internal motivation comes from the heart, but just because something comes from the heart doesn’t make it good. That’s why God designed two things to keep the heart going in the right direction: the conscience and the Holy Spirit. The specific tools and ideas in this book will change the way you work with your kids to help them build internal motivation to do what’s right.
3. Motivate Your Child Action Plan
Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN walk you through developing a character development plan personalized for your child. Begin by identify a tendency that concerns you, then select a character quality to overcome that tendency. Next are step by step instructions to move your child from Point A to Point B. Downloadable audio sessions give you tips along the way, and each chapter outlines a suggested meeting with your child to communicate a sense of coaching and partnership. This book comes with 12 audio sessions to walk you through the chapters.